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Comments from the President of the Dallas Geophysical Society

Dear Dallas Geophysical Society Members,

On behalf of the newly assembled Dallas Geophysical Society Board, I want to thank you for your patience as we kick off the 2024-2025 session. We are excited to reengage our local members with a series of events designed to foster connection and collaboration. We encourage you to continue supporting the society through active participation, sponsorship, and by offering your valuable time to assist our volunteer leaders.

We have planned several events aimed at providing social and networking opportunities, alongside a few technical sessions. Details regarding dates, times, and locations will be shared soon.

Board of Directors (BOD) for the 2024-2025 Session:

  • President – Trevor Richards
  • President-Elect – Matthew McChesney
  • Past-President – Dillon LaFoy
  • 1st VP – Rob Hull
  • 2nd VP – Ryan Marshall
  • Treasurer – Glenn Winters
  • Secretary – Sarah Brady
  • Webmaster – Essau Worthy

Immediate Board Openings:

  • SEG Council Representative: If you are interested in representing our society at SEG Council work sessions and formal meetings, please contact Trevor Richards or Matt McChesney.

Upcoming Events: Fall 2024 – Spring 2025

  • October 2nd: Fall Icebreaker at Oak'd BBQ in Addison
  • October 21st: Fall Golf Tournament at Texas Rangers Golf Club
  • October 22nd: Bruce Karr will present on High Trace Density Seismic
  • November Technical Talk: Please save the date for November 22nd for our next technical session. More information will be announced soon.
  • TBD: Distinguished Instructor Short Course (DISC) coming this winter

Looking Ahead

As we move forward, we kindly ask that you renew your membership. This will provide the Society with an accurate count of our current members. You can renew your membership at our upcoming events or online at: DGS Join/Renew. Your membership includes discounted entry to local Society events.

Our vision for the future of the Society involves a strong partnership between academia, industry, and retirees. We believe that these communities are essential in supporting the Society with fresh ideas and the exchange of current technologies. Our goal is to serve as a robust source of geophysical knowledge for all our members.

We are eager to share our plans for revitalizing the Society and expanding our partnerships with local universities, retired professionals, the oil and gas industry, and emerging sectors such as carbon capture and sequestration, white hydrogen exploration, geothermal energy, and more.

We recognize the importance of reinvigorating our activities and fostering meaningful collaborations to achieve our mission. Our future initiatives will focus on creating opportunities for academia, industry, and innovative startups to come together, share knowledge, and drive research that supports sustainable and practical geophysical applications.

We aim to strengthen our ties with academic institutions by inviting speakers to present current research and providing students with valuable experiences that facilitate knowledge exchange between academia and industry.

Additionally, we seek to collaborate with the local oil and gas industry to share expertise, technological advancements, and training programs. These partnerships will be mutually beneficial, driving innovation and addressing industry challenges.

In recognizing the critical role of sustainability, we are keen to engage with startups focused on carbon capture and sequestration, geothermal energy, white hydrogen exploration, and other geophysics-related fields. By providing a platform for these companies to present their challenges and seek feedback, we aim to support the development of cutting-edge solutions to environmental challenges.

We kindly request your continued support and participation in this exciting journey. We would be delighted to discuss our plans further and explore opportunities for collaboration. Please feel free to contact us through our website email.

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